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Audible Contrast Threshold (ACT™)

Measure speech-in-noise ability in just two minutes.

ACT is a non-language specific diagnostic test that measures a client’s speech-in-noise ability.

Why use ACT with Oasisnxt?

ACT can help you personalise the level of noise management support in Oasisnxt fitting software, to optimise speech understanding in noise.

Using ACT in daily clinical practice

ACT is similar to performing an audiogram. The ACT test generates a single value which indicates a client’s threshold for detecting speech-like modulations in noise, compared with normal-hearing people.

Integrated and easy to use

Once you have the ACT value, it is automatically imported into Oasisnxt fitting software. You’ll receive an instant recommendation for the level of noise management support that your client needs to optimise speech understanding in noise.

Getting started with ACT

If you’re interested in learning more about ACT and would like to use it in your daily practice, please contact your Bernafon representative.